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000345_owner-lightwave-l _Fri Feb 17 18:41:43 1995.msg
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To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
From: "Brian Tatosky" <BTATOSKY@alesis1.usa.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 14:29
Subject: RE: Upgrades
X-mhsfile: $TD03401
Sender: owner-lightwave-l@netcom.com
Precedence: bulk
"I, myself will upgrade to the Toaster 4.0 for $600. I would also like the
option of purchasing the PC version without having to fork out another $1000. I
think this is only fair."
Steven Cruickshank
Amiga 4000/40 18megs ram
Toaster 4000 3.1
Uh, I'm missing the logic as to how this is "fair". Is this something to do
with the Divine Right of Kings and Amiga Users?
If you had to buy a comparable 3-D program for the PC, you'd be buying release
4 of 3D Studio, which lists at $3000. I completely believe that NewTek could
have listed LightWave for the same price, and sold just as many as they'll sell
right this second (provided it was actually shipping, of course).
So if you are buying LightWave for the PC, you ARE getting a big whopping
discount. And a better program than the competitors.
It's pretty nice that they offered a cross-platform migration path at all,
since it certainly isn't normal practice. Maybe, if the Amiga LightWave users
are lucky, NewTek might continue to offer a cross-platform upgrade path for
4.5, or whatever's coming next. But they certainly have no obligation to do
that. And there is nothing unfair about it.